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Damon & Renate's Holiday Cottages

Damon & Renate's Holiday Cottages: July 2010

Damon & Renate's Holiday Cottages

Beautiful stone cottages near Oban and on the Isle of Mull

My Photo
Location: Taynuilt, Argyll, United Kingdom

Monday, 26 July 2010

Fallen trees - holiday at home

Tonights activity was: chopping up a tree.  This pine tree fell across the track round the gardens today, and as it was quite rotten it was relatively straight forward to cut up.  I made Damon stand and pose by it at the end as his trophy!

Highland Games in Taynuilt were great last week.  However, just as Damon and I were going down Damon had a call out for the mountain rescue.  So he hijacked several people making burgers and pancakes and the minibus and took off up Cruachan.  Fortunately they located the guy quickly and carried him back down on a stretcher with a broken leg. The Taynuilt young ladies team didn't retain the tug of war title, it went to the 'Taynuilt ladies' instead.  Anja managed to climb to the top of the greasy pole for the first time.
We're having a holiday at home this week.  Normally our friends Suzanne and Andy stay at our house this week and we go off to Tiree or Mull, but they're in the throws of moving.  So we went to Kilmartin today as it was a 'dreich' day.  Climbed up Dunadd and explained to the kids about it having been the centre of Dalraida and the Scotti.  This is where the kings were crowned by standing their feet in the rock that has a footprint cut out.

Yesterday we were sailing in Loch Etive with our new dinghy, a Wayfarer. We needed to capsize it to see how waterproof the hatches were and gauge the difficulty of righting it.  Well, it needed 2 people to pull on the keel to get it back up.

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Saturday, 10 July 2010

Loch Etive

Why take photos yourself when your guests can do it much better?
I was delighted to be given permission to use this photo that was taken by Sander, one of our Dutch guests, last night, when we were treated to a spectacular sunset.  This is from Kelly's pier, taking in the whole panorama and drama of the sea.  I believe it's about 12 photos stitched together.

The weather has continued to be damp (some of you might call it wet), and all the rivers are bubbling again.  Most guests arrived today saying 'lovely to be more refreshed and be out of the heat wave'. However, a downpour at 4 pm just as everyone was arriving was maybe not the way to welcome visitors.

We've had some postcards made of Bonawe House, the picture that I put on the blog 2 months ago from Bonawe, and I've ordered some of Torr na Locha as well. These are now for sale in reception for 30 p each.  Lots of eggs are for sale this week too.  As I'm here by myself for the week, I've got lots spare.
Particularly at their current laying rate, I had 7 one day and 8 the next!  The 3 new chickens are due to arrive this Thursday.

Looking forward to the 'walking theatre' that are coming to Bonawe Iron Furnace on Tuesday this week. They cast are coming for a look around the house afterwards as well.  I saw them a few weeks ago and they were brilliant, they've got a number of dates at the Iron Furnace.  See their website on;

Saturday, 3 July 2010

We need rain

After months of dry weather we are in desperate need of rain.  Several friends who live up Glen Lonan were without water for 2 months in the winter due to the frost, and now their springs have dried up.  We've had some rain since Thursday at night, it's trying to make up for it now though!  Several guests last week said they came for the waterfalls, but there's none to be seen.

We have wanted to change Holly bunk bedroom into an L shaped bunk for a while, and we finally had the opportunity.  We love the result, and the space it gives, as well as a more comfortable bedroom for an adult.  We hope you like it.

Damon has been working on the chimney pots of the main house this week, and painting the stair well in the Edwardian.
Ceri has updated all the files in the cottages.
Renate has been sanding and varnishing the new bunk bed and drawer set for Holly.

We had a family day changeover on Mull yesterday.  The comment in the visitors book: 'we have now got engaged while watching the seals'.  How romantic is that.

The foxgloves, irises and orchids are fabulous on Mull at the moment.
It was a long haul home though, as the Mull ferry had broken down during the day and it was delayed by an hour.  Caledonian MacBrayne have had a rough week, their relief boat the Clansman is out of action for at least a week, affecting the additional summer sailings to the outer isles as well.

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